Build the highest tower
During this activity you work as a group to build the highest tower. Can you come up with a solution and find the right idea to solve this challenge? Make use of your creative thinking skills.
For this activity you will need:
- 20 sticks of spaghetti per group
- 1 yard of tape per group
- 1 yard of string per group
- 1 giant marshmallow per group
- Optional: Chronometer, rulers, pens, etc.
For this activity, you need to pair up with a friend or create groups.
Each group should grab the materials and start building the tallest possible tower with a marshmallow on top. You have a maximum of 5 minutes to build the tower.
The tower must have a marshmallow at the top and can only use 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, and one yard of string.
Once you finish building the tower and decide who has the tallest one, make sure to discuss these questions:
- Was it difficult to build this tower as a team?
- What was the biggest challenge you had?
- How did you feel about this creative problem-solving activity?
- Did you have fun?
Challenge Code
The Challenge Code for this activity is: YYWZX