Navy Battle using the International Phonetic Alphabet
Save your fleet! Play this fun game and learn the International Phonetic Alphabet.
- Carrier: 5 points
- Cruisers: 4 points
- Destroyers: 2 points
- Seaplanes: 3 points
- Submarines: 6 points
Distribute your “battle fleet” on the board that says “my team game”. Leave at least 1 space blank between each of the ships/submarines and seaplanes. Do this as a team. You can rotate the figures without any problems. Once the distribution is complete, let's play. Do: Rock, paper, scissors to see who starts.
When it is your team's turn to take a shot, you must speak over the radio the coordinates that indicate the square you want to be marked by the other team. For example (ALFA, ROMEO), where ALPHA is the axis of the “ X” and ROMEO is the “Y” axis. Attention: Always in this order. Shots are made alternately (once for each team), until one team wins or obtains the most points during the game time (minutes). Use what you have already learned in operational ethics and confirm communications using “QSL” = “Ok understood” every time you understand the communication that was given/forwarded to you. If the shot does not hit the fleet, you will respond with the word “Water”. If you get it right, answer with the word of the equipment that was bombed, for example: “You got it right: Cruiser. The team that made a shot can repeat the shot until they miss again. Good game and be a good sport!
An alternative is to use an electronic board
JOTA-JOTI Ham Radio Handbook
Everything you need to know about the amateur radio can be found in the JOTA-JOTI Ham Radio Handbook.
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