
JOTA-JOTI Ambassadors

The JOTA-JOTI Ambassador Programme invite all participants that actively contribute to JOTA-JOTI to join a new Global Community, with the purpose to further develop their roles, to learn new ways to grow and promote the event, and to expand the network of passionate JOTA-JOTI supporters around the World.

What is the Ambassador’s role?

The JOTA-JOTI Ambassador’s role is:

  • To promote the event, by spreading the word of JOTA-JOTI;
  • To engage with others, by sparking the interest in the event;
  • To provide feedback, by sharing ideas with the community.

Being a JOTA-JOTI Ambassador is about making a positive impact, fostering community connections, and having fun!

Ambassador requirements

To become an ambassador, you must fulfil the following requirements:


Ambassadors must be aged 13 years or older.


Ambassadors must be registered in the JOTA-JOTI platform.


Ambassadors must be able to communicate well in English.

How to become a JOTA-JOTI Ambassador

Are you interested in joining a community of passionate JOTA-JOTI participants from around the world, and build capacity and develop skills to continue contributing to the event? Then follow the steps below to become a JOTA-JOTI Ambassador:

Keep an eye out for updates!

We’re already gearing up for our next adventure, and more details will be shared soon. In the meantime, start getting ready by brushing up on your skills and staying engaged with the JOTA-JOTI community.

If you have any questions, please contact us at