JOTA-JOTI Video Call Guidelines for Scout Leaders

Dear Adult Leaders, 

Below, you will find the guidelines to follow for your group's JOTA-JOTI video call(s). 

Before the Call

  • Make sure you have read the JOTA-JOTI Safe from Harm pledge with your Scout Unit
  • Make sure you have taken the SfH 3b: Being Safe Online (Adults in Scouting) e-learning and that you can present your certificate to the organizing team 
  • Remind your Scout Patrol about the rules of the call(s):
    • If you don’t feel comfortable being on the video call, you don’t have to join. You can leave the call and sit off to the side of the room at any time.
    • As Scouts, we are respectful of each other. Follow the Scout Promise and Law.
    • We come from different cultures, and some things we will hear or see might be different from what we are used to. It's normal to be surprised and ask questions, but it's not okay to judge or make fun of what someone else says or does.
    • We should always listen to each other and respect everyone’s opinion.
    • If someone says or does something that hurts you or makes you feel uncomfortable, immediately tell the adult on the call with you.
    • We are here to have fun together and meet other Scout friends!

At the Start of the Call

  • Listen to the instructions of the organizing team regarding logistics and Safe from Harm rules
  • Make sure the mic and camera are working properly and that your internet connection is stable 
  • Make sure you can easily contact the Safe from Harm person in the call, that way you're prepared in case an intervention is needed with one of the children

During the Call

  • You are accountable for the behaviours of your Scouts, so make sure they follow the rules at all times 
  • If you need any support, reach out to the Safe from Harm person through the chat or report any situation at
  • If any inappropriate behaviour occurs during the call, feel free to leave the Zoom room and message the organizing team.